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Jeffrey Modell Foundation Centre Melbourne

News & Events

$6.3 million MRFF grant awarded to profile COVID-19 vaccine responses in vulnerable populations

Emily Edwards

The consortium entitled PROPHECY: Profiling immune RespOnse in Paediatric and High-risk populations to SARS-CoV-2 is led by a diverse executive team of both scientist and clinician researchers, Prof Menno van Zelm (JMF Melbourne Director and Immunology & Pathology, CCS), Dr Gabriela Khoury (Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute), Prof Heidi Drummer (Burnet Institute), A/Prof James McMahon (Infectious Diseases and Alfred Health) and A/Prof Benjamin Rogers (School of Clinical Sciences and Monash Health).

The MRFF-funded project will examine immune response to vaccination and infection across humoral immunity (antibodies, B cells) and cellular immunity (T cells) in children and adults with underlying health conditions including chronic kidney disease, lung disease, immune deficiencies, immunosuppressive treatments, and stem and solid organ transplant recipients.

The Executive team is delighted to be working alongside important consumer patient organisations and Victorian Government’s, Safer Care Victoria, Spleen Australia, AusPIPS, the National Association of people with HIV Australia (NAPWHA), Musculoskeletal (MSK) Australia and Crohn’s and Colitis Australia. These organisations will ensure the patient voice is incorporated throughout the study and will towards translating important findings into clinical practise.

For more information read the full media release here