PID breakfast session
Mark Hudson
JMF Melbourne sponsors ASCIA breakfast session on Primary Immunodeficiency cases
The final morning of the recent 29th conference for the Australian Society for Clinical Immunology and Allergy began with a breakfast session discussing Primary Immunodeficiency cases. The session, sponsored by CSL-Behring and JMF Centre Melbourne, involved six short presentations from registrars of PID cases, followed by questions from the audience and an expert panel which included Prof Marc Riedl, Dr Gulbu Uzel, Prof Matthew Cook and A/Prof Menno van Zelm. The session was overseen by A/Prof Katrina Randall. The sessions were as follows:
Dr Samantha Chan - Treatment of Interferon-Gamma Autoantibody Associated Mycobacterial Infection: Antimicrobials or anti-CD20+?
Dr Phillippa Pucar - A Ball of MAC
Dr Kritika Chetty - A Case of Recurrent Infections and Cytopaenias due to GATA2 Deficiency
Dr Jessica Lai - A Case of GATA2 Deficiency
Dr Helena Jang - Pores for Thought
Dr Elina Tan - Mutants, Magnesium and Mononucleosis
The presentations were all high quality and discussed complicated cases. The panel noted that each presentation was thought-provoking, providing important experiences to share and prompting interesting questions and discussion. The presentations were each scored by the panel and the best was deemed to be Dr Helena Jang.
Dr Helena Jang presenting her winning talk